Hair Transplant Price in Mumbai

Hair transplant price in Mumbai 

What decide exact price of hair transplant in Mumbai or Bangalore or any place.
Hair transplant price depends on many factors.

Quality of Clinic 

Clinic is sub standard , standard or international.

sub standard clinic are those clinic that run by non medicos,  MBA or homeopathy or Ayurveda doctors. 

Such clinic always believe in giving free perks but their work is not precise. They try to extract more graft for less area , thus destroy donor area and chance of future transplant. hair line  will be poor. no proper grafts preservation system. even such clinics do not have qualified doctors to understand complete reason of baldness.

standard clinic- such clinics are good to go, but their transplant is not perfectly managed. they charge average.

international clinic - such clinics follow all international norms for best hair transplant. all steps are well measured. extraction is perfect , graft preservation system and implantation technique is best. 
another factor to decide price is technique you choose for hair transplant 
long hair fue is difficult to perform so its costly  while direct non shaven fue is less costly than long hair fue .  
Body hair extraction is expensive than normal fue. 

Adon clinic is one such international clinic which follow all international norms and provide best result in moderate price.


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